Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2 new songs

Sorry guys i couldn't find the embeds to them but the 2 new videos are Prom Queen by lil wayne. You can find that on Jimmy Kimmel's youtube page(sorry if i spelled that wrong). It's a great video i loved it.
The other song is Knocks you down by Keri Hilson ft Kanye West and Neyo.
I found it on Kanye's blog but there are probably other places to find. Good luck and hope you like both videos.
Go check out swaggciti.ning.com,

My thoughts on the song Day n Night

The song day n night by kid cudi is one of my favorite songs on the radio. But as i listened to it it started making less and less sense to me. The first conclusion i came to was this guy in the song is so rich that he is all alone through out the day and night. But whenever i saw the video i saw that he was in almost rags, and he was just on the street and in bars. So then i listened to the chorus and finally figured it out. The first time he says the lonely STONER, not loner. I googled the word stoner and saw that it was someone who abused drugs. Then i thought but why is he all alone and that's when it hit me. This song is about a crack head who "frees his mind" by doing drugs all night. That explains why he was in rags. Why he was in a bar in the video. And last but not lease it explains why the song is so all over the place.
Check it out for yourself you'll see,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The new movie "up" from Pixar

T.O. is back on his feet!

Even though T.O. isn't on a team as good as the cowboys(yes im a cowboys fan), but he did manage to bounce back. Just 2 days after being cut from the Cowboys Terrel Owens signs with the Buffalo Bills!! You just can't keep this guy down. But who will replace T.o. for Dallas is a mystery?

Do You Want To Become Famous?

Have you ever dreamed of becoming famous? Well now your dreams can come true. http://iwanttogetrich.ning.com/ is a website that is all about making ever member famous. No matter what your talent is. Just sign up and let them take care of the rest. They get in contact with the celebrities and the media all you have to do is upload your music.
Stop reading this go and get rich!!!!

My New Fansite!!!!

For everybody who can see this i ask you to come together and join me on my fansite! To visit it click here. Sorry No picture this time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My 2 favorite artists in their new videos. My all time fav videos of '09 so far

KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
Dead and Gone from Seth Jaworski on Vimeo.

Yahoo! Buzz: Teams that don't want T.O.

Frank S has sent you a story.
Vote for it now on Yahoo! Buzz.
Teams that don't want T.O.
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Kanye Shoes

Go here to see some pics of kanye's new shoes. They are amazing and original and the best way to spend $500+!!!! I'm get me a pair make sure to get you one. Coming in June probably on the Louis Vuitton website.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quest Crew

These guys are the best dancers i have seen in a while. Their moves are so together and me being a dancer i can appreciate what they do. If you haven't seen them already please check them out. On MTV Randy Jackson's America's Next Best Dance Crew. Vote for me. I want them to win, and they have earned it. Go vote for em!!!!

Lie To Me

The new Fox hit show Lie to Me is my favorite new show!!! I love the way they expose liers and the funny thing is everything on there is true. I caught my sister lieing the other day using their techniques. They use the face to tell whether your lieing or not. It's a great show it airs on Wednesday nights at about 8 my time. Or right after American Idol

HTC Touch Pro 2

This is the new HTC touch pro 2. I'm hoping that it will come to Verizon because i really want it. I'm guessing it will cost anywhere around $500+ without a new contract. But hey atleast i get a cool new phone.


Well basically with the whole webshow thing we are done doing it through blog.tv or through ustream. Now we are vimeo. you can email me for the info fmoney12@gmail.com if you wanna see it. I just wanted to let everybody know that i was done with those other sites i hated using them, they didn't do what i wanted them to so now im trying something new. Wish me luck



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Well i'm back!!!!!

Hey guys i been gone for A LONG TIME but i'm back on my music, im back with the blog and i hope you didn't forget me. Well basically i have started alot of stuff. I started drawing again. I'm working on directing a improve comedy show. Plus i doing some new music with some new artists. The main reason that i was gone so much was because my mom. I live with my dad now, but there was some harsh words between me and my mom and i figured she would be monitoring so i let it die down. Anyway i'm back.

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